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Zero Balancing I (ZBI)

This is the first course of the Core Zero Balancing curriculum and introduces the intellectual and practical framework of the art and science of Zero Balancing. Instructors provide a detailed study guide, clear presentations, and demonstrations of Zero Balancing. In practice sessions, students experience both how to perform Zero Balancing and how Zero Balancing feels to receive.

In this 4-day workshop, you will learn:​

  • The basic Zero Balancing protocol

  • Theory and principles of ZB

  • To distinguish body energy and body structure through touch

  • The skill of using energy as a working tool

  • The energetic anatomy of the skeleton

  • The theory and application of fulcrums

  • How to give a ZB session



"Perhaps the most exciting, consistently interesting and educational workshop I've taken, ever." Esalen student

“This work will enhance my ability to treat many clients on a much deeper level, especially my MS clients who need deep but not hard connections.”M.E.

“Using the understanding of touching structure and energy at the interface will be helpful in all my work – as a nurse and in my bodywork practice.”Sandra Denner, RN

“I needed to hear the concept of interface and the importance of clarity of presence and energy! I feel my work will be refocused and re-energized!”Cathy Schneider, LMT

“This course has completely changed my view and perspective of my practice.” Alan Willoughby, MT

“I can do the complete protocol starting tomorrow.” P.S.

“I feel the structure and energy [of Zero Balancing] will help get some patients past a plateau I have reached with massage.” Chris Wilson, LMT

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